Programming – Pascal: Essential skills 5
Learning Outcomes:
- Manipulate text files through filehandling statements.
- The manipulation involves file
updating statements to delete, insert, append and amend records.
Text file handling
Read from file
var infile : text; (*
text file variable *) a :
integer; begin assign
(infile, ‘yourfile.txt’); (* step 1: associate the file with the variable *) reset
(infile); (* step 2: read from beginning *) while
not eof (infile) do begin readln (infile, a); (* step 3: read the integer and put into a *) writeln
(a) (* write the content on the screen *) end; close
(infile) (* step 4: close
the file properly *) end; |
Write into file
var infile : text; (*
text file variable *) a :
integer; begin assign
(infile, ‘yourfile.txt’); (* step 1: associate the file with the variable *) rewrite
(infile); (* step 2: create or erase the file for writing*) a :=
1; writeln
(infile, a); (* step 3: put the integer into the file *) close
(infile) (* step 4: close
the file properly *) end; |
Relevant past paper:
DSE ICT Elect B(SP-2017):
PP 4cd. 2012 4aii.
CE CIT Elect A(2005-2011): 2005 2a. 2009 2abi. 2010 4a. 2011 4cd.
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