Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 2

Learning Outcomes:
Compulsory C. c. Elementary Web Authoring
  • Design and construct web pages for an intended audience and upload them onto the World Wide Web.
    • The organisation of information includes ease of navigation, appropriate placement of links, tables, frames and multimedia elements, colour combinations, background designfont size and style, for an intended audience.
    • Students are not required to memorise HTML codes. (you still need to memorise them for elective part)
Hyperlink <a href=”…”>

<a> defines a hyperlink
Attributes: href (destination address), target (where to open the linked document)

<a href=”http://...”> Full web address is used, this is known as absolute URL </a>
<a href=”local.html”> Relative URL is used for own web site. </a>

How relative URL works:

Bookmark/Anchor <a name=”…”> <… id=”…”>

2 HTML ways to create bookmark:
  • <a name=”youranchor”></a>: name can only be used with <a>
  • <p id=”youranchor”></p>: id can be used with any tag

Jump to the bookmark:
  • <a href=”#youranchor”>: same page
  • <a href=”URL.html#youranchor”>: different web page

Table <table> <tr> <th> <td>

<table>..</table> defines a table
<tr>..</tr> defines a row
<th>..</th> and <td>..</td> defines a cell, with <th> representing heading, specifically the content is bold and centered.

Visually, this is how it works,

Attributes: colspan (merge column), rowspan (merge row)
Some table attributes such as border, width, cellpadding, cellspacing, bgcolor, background and bordercolor are removed in HTML5. Using CSS to edit them is recommended.


<frame> and <frameset> tags are removed in HTML5. Using <iframe> is recommended.

  • Old method:
    <frameset> defines the layout of the whole web page.
    <frame> loads web pages into each frame defined in <frameset>.


<frameset cols=”30%,70%”>                      
            <frame src=”link to your left side web page”>
            <frame src=” link to your right side web page”>

Created a frameset with 2 columns
First frame
Second frame
Manipulating frames

To open web page in certain frame / new browser. Compatible with <iframe>
(<frame> and <frameset> tags are removed in HTML5)

<a href=”new.html” target=”_blank”>                 Open in new window
<a href=”new.html” target=”_self”>                    Open in same frame
<a href=”new.html” target=”_parent”>                Open in parent frame (When frameset nested in frameset, it opens in the inner frameset)
<a href=”new.html” target=”_top”>                     Open in full browser window
<a href=”new.html” target=”(frame name)”>      Open in a named frame

Embed multimedia elements <embed> <img> <video> <audio>

<embed src=”…jpg”>
Attributes: src (source link), type (plug-in to initiate), width, height

<img src=”…jpg”>
Attributes: src (source link), alt (text description), width, height and many more


Image with multiple links

Color combinations

Color can be represented using different formats in HTML5/CSS.

Black color can be represented by
  • the name black
  • Hex code #000000
  • RGB (0,0,0)
  • HSLa (0, 0%, 0%, 1)

Hex code #000000:
  • the first 00 represents the amount of red color. #FF0000 is red. (FF=255)
  • the second 00 represents the amount of green color. #00FF00 is green.
  • the last 00 represents the amount of blue color. #0000FF is blue.
  • #FFFFFF is white.

Background design

The attributes bgcolor and background are removed in HTML5. Using CSS to edit background design is recommended.

  •  Old method:
    <body bgcolor=”red”> </body>
    <body background=”….jpg”></body> this image will be displayed as tiles by default.

Friday, June 12, 2020


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 1

Learning Outcomes:
Compulsory C. c. Elementary Web Authoring
  • Recognise the basic constructs of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) which is a means to address cross-platform issues.
  • Design and construct web pages for an intended audience and upload them onto the World Wide Web.
    • The organisation of information includes ease of navigation, appropriate placement of links, tables, frames and multimedia elements, colour combinations, background design, font size and style, for an intended audience.
    • Students are not required to memorise HTML codes. (you still need to memorise them for elective part)

  • Stands for Hypertext Markup Language
  • Markup Language: a computer language using symbols/tags in a text document to control its layout and format. E.g. html, xml
  • Function: create web pages
  • Current version: HTML5
    • Reason to use current version: follow new standards, support new functions, avoid deprecated(outdated) element/attribute
    • Possibly not supported by some old browsers

Basic structure of HTML document

<title> THIS IS TITLE </title>

  • Tags: Building blocks of a HTML document. Most tags work in pairs. E.g. <html> </html>.
  • Attributes: For example, when using <font size=”1”>, size=”1” is known as attribute. It provides additional information about the <font> tag. Different attributes are available to different tags.

HTML tags:

Font size and style <font>

The <font> tag is removed in HTML5. To format font size, font-family and color, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is recommended.

  • Old method: <font size=”1” face=”arial” color=”green”> YOUR TEXT </font>

Text formatting <b> <i> <u> <del> <sub> <sup>

<b> bold </b>
<i> italic </i>
<u> underlined </u>
<del> deleted </del>
<sub> subscript </sub>
<sup> superscript </sup>

Text alignment

The <center> tag and align attribute are removed in HTML5. Using CSS to edit text alignment is recommended.

  • Old method:
    <center> This is center alignment </center>
    <p align=”left”> This paragraph is left aligned. </p>

Heading <h1> to <h6>

<h1> This is largest. </h1>
<h6> This is smallest. </h6>

Paragraphs <p> <br> <pre>

<p> Text within the tag forms a paragraph </p>
<p> This is another paragraph. <br> br stands for line break. <br> No new paragraph is formed. </p>
<pre> Pre stands for preformatted text.
It preserves the line breaks and spaces as you typed in the HTML document. </pre>

Character entities/Escape characters

Tags used the reserved characters < and >. To properly displace it in the web page, we use character entities/escape characters.
<: &lt;
>: &gt;
Multiple consecutive space in a HTML document will automatically be reduced to a single space.
To displace multiple space, use <pre> or escape character known as,
non-breaking space: &nbsp;


If you want to include comments in the HTML document, you can enclose the message with <!-- and -->. The message will not be displayed in the web page.


Syllabus comparison

 Syllabus comparison   DSE ICT 2025 New syllabus DSE ICT 2012-2024 CE CIT 2005-2011 CE CS 1994-2004 ...