Elective B - Compulsory topics that appear in the elective part
Transfer speed calculation
MB/s ≠ Mbps
- Mbps = megabits per second
- MB/s = megabytes per second
- 1 GB = 1024 MB
- 1 MB = 1024 KB
- 1 KB = 1024 B
- 1 B = 8 bits ***
You are usually
provided with
- Data size e.g. 20 MB
- Transfer speed e.g. 10 Mbps
Calculate the transfer time
- Convert the data size to bits.
20 MB = 20 x 1024 KB = 20 x 1024 x 1024 B = 20 x 1024 x 1024 x 8 bits - Convert the transfer speed to bits.
Actually it is already in bits! Mega- here stands for 1000000. i.e. 10 Mb = 10 x 1000000 bits - Data size/transfer speed is the answer.
20 x 1024 x 1024 x 8 / (10 x 1000000) = 16.78 seconds.
Other calculations:
- Calculate data size from transfer time and speed.
- Calculate the number of users the devices can support using transfer speed (calculate using individual device’s speed instead of the total speed).
Relevant past paper:
DSE ICT Elect B(SP-2017): 2015 2b. 2016 3bi. 2017 2a, 3c.
CE CIT Elec C(2005-2011): 2006 1g. 2007 4di. 2008 3b. 2009
3dii. 2010 3ai.
Methods for Internet access
- Wireless network: e.g. Satellite, mobile phone network, 2G – 5G network
- Leased line (compared with broadband): fixed bandwidth (not shared with others), secure, stable and expensive
Relevant past paper:
DSE ICT Elect B(SP-2017): SP 3d.
CE CIT Elec C(2005-2011): 2010 2bii.
AS CA(2000-2013): 2006 10d.
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