Saturday, July 11, 2020


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 3

Learning Outcomes:
Elective C. b. Web Site Development
  • Construct simple web pages.
    • Students should be able to use different features (e.g. links, anchors, lists, tables, frames, Mailto and Fill-out Forms) in constructing the web page. They should also be able to embed multimedia elements in the web page and apply a consistent look and style across a set of web pages.

Lists <ol> <ul> <li>

Ordered list:
<li>first item</li>
<li>second item</li>
  • Attribute: type (e.g. 1, a), start (starting number), reversed (reverse the order)

Unordered list:
<li>first item</li>
<li>second item</li>

Fill-out forms <form> <input> <textarea> <select> <option>


Single line text input <input type=”text” name=”…”>

Checkbox <input type=”checkbox” value=”…”>

Radio button <input type=”radio” name=”…” value=”…”>

Multi-line text input <textarea name=”…” cols=”40” rows=”2”></textarea>

<select name=”…” size=”3” multiple>
                <option value=”first”> first value </option>
                <option value=”second”> second value </option>
                <option value=”third”> third value </option>

Drop down list/menu (no multiple attribute used)
<select name=”…”>
                <option value=”first”> first value </option>
                <option value=”second”> second value </option>

Submit button <input type=”submit” value=”Submit”>

Reset button <input type=”reset” value=”reset”>
Advantage of using reset button: reduce time for reloading



There are numerous ways to submit the inputted data in the form.
One of these is to send the data via email.

<form action=”” method=”post” enctype=”text/plain”>
  • The use of mailto will launch the user’s email client.
  • method=”get”: the data will be incorporated into the end of a URL. Good for simple form and data security is not a concern.
  • method=”post”: the data included in the HTTP request body.
  • enctype=”text/plain”: organize the data in a more readable format.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

3 ways to use CSS.

Inline: use style attribute in <body> section – apply to certain part or sentence
                <p style=”color:red;”> Hello World! </p>
Internal: use <style> within <head> section – apply to whole web page
    color: red;
External: use <link> to link to external CSS file (.css)  – apply to multiple web pages of the website

Advantages of using CSS: 
  • consistency in web pages design/formatting
  • reusable (.css)
  • easy maintenance
  • follow current standards

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