Network Design and Implementation
Learning Outcomes:
- Conduct a simple needs analysis on a proposed network and translate the needs identified into requirements and specifications.
- Design a network to meet the requirements generated in the needs analysis and represent it in a diagram.
- Justify their designs based on technical, cost effectiveness and other considerations.
- Set up simple Ethernet and wireless networks.
- Students should know the use of a subnet and know which subnet an IP address belongs to from a simple subnet mask.
- Share various resources among the networked computers/stations.
- The resources include files, printers and Internet connection, etc
- Set folder/ file sharing permissions, including read, write and execute rights, etc.
- Design a simple test plan based on the requirements and specifications to validate a network system.
- Document the user requirements, a schematic diagram for the network and specifications of the network.
- Documentation of industry standards is not required.
- Be aware of the importance of adequate end user support and training for the attainment of the benefits sought.
- Appreciate and value the use of various networking technologies in meeting different user requirements.
Network Diagram
Correct arrangement of the network devices.
Beware of the maximum number of ports.
Relevant past paper:
DSE ICT Elect B(SP-2017): 2017 4d.
CE CIT Elec C(2005-2011): 2005 4c. 2007 3cii. 2009 3ci. 2010
AS CA(2000-2013): 2005 10c. 2008 10a. 2009 9diii. 2012 7a.
Design Justification
- Connect device to switch or router?
- Considerations:
- Loading on the switch (number of connected devices)
- Router allows centralized management and security management
- Connecting to a switch allows easier access to the network within the switch (access not controlled by router)
- In front of the router: hide IP address of the router for better security
- Behind the router: filter incoming data therefore reduce the loading on the server
Relevant past paper:
DSE ICT Elect B(SP-2017):
2014 4ai,ii. 2016 3bii. 2017 2di.
Setup Network
- General considerations for setting up network
- User requirement
- Cost
- Network type
Relevant past paper:
DSE ICT Elect B(SP-2017):
PP 1dii. 2013 1aii. 2014 2a. 2015 3dii. 2016 3cii,4bii.
CE CIT Elec C(2005-2011): 2010 1a. 2011 3c.
AS CA(2000-2013): 2010 4c.
Resource Sharing
Printer without intrinsic network capability:
- Connect to a host in a network. This host can make the printer sharable and manage the printing queue.
- Other hosts in the network can use the printer after installing the printer driver.
Network printer:
- It has a Ethernet port. Therefore, it can directly connect to a network or connect to a host.
Relevant past paper:
DSE ICT Elect B(SP-2017):
PP 1e. 2015 1c.
CE CIT Elec C(2005-2011): 2007 4cii,iii. 2008 3e,g. 2011
AS CA(2000-2013): 2009 7.
File Permission
Correct assignment of read, write and execute rights.
(Access rights)
Device configuration e.g. firewall setting, OS setting.
Relevant past paper:
DSE ICT Elect B(SP-2017): 2014 2b. 2015 4d.
AS CA(2000-2013): 2007 9giii. 2010 4d.
Test Plan
Design a test plan that is able to achieve the objective of
the network. A test plan shall consist of test cases and test items.
Test cases E.g. stress test with higher than expected
maximum load, performance test to check the response time.
Relevant past paper:
DSE ICT Elect B(SP-2017):
2013 3ai. 2015 4ci.
CE CIT Elec C(2005-2011): 2007 3e. 2011 2div,4c.
- user requirements
- schematic diagram for the network
- specifications of the network e.g. IP configuration
Relevant past paper:
DSE ICT Elect B(SP-2017):
2015 4cii.
CE CIT Elec C(2005-2011): 2007 3f. 2009 4a. 2011 2diii.
AS CA(2000-2013): 2011 8a.
Other questions: Feasibility study, user training, survey,
stages, system administrator manual
Relevant past paper:
CE CIT Elec C(2005-2011): 2010 1b. 2011 2di,ii,v.
AS CA(2000-2013): 2012 10c. 2013 1.