Sunday, July 28, 2019

SQL Part 2

SQL Part 2 – Data Type

Learning Outcomes:
Describe common data types such as integer, real, character, string, Boolean, and date.
Use SQL to maintain a simple relational database, and manipulate its data or retrieve the required information in at most three tables

Skills involved:
Use simple built-in functions such as string functions.

Relevant past paper:

DSE ICT Elec A(SP-2016): PP 4aii. 2012 2a. 2013 3c. 2014 4ai.
AS CA(2000-2013)
Questions are seldom set on data types alone, but they are essential in answering SQL related questions.

Data types

Numeric data type:  e.g. integer, decimal, real
String data type: e.g. character
Boolean: True or False

Numeric data type:

  1. INTEGER: integer, maximum 32-bit
  2. DECIMAL(precision,scale): e.g. decimal(5,2) can store the decimal number 987.48 where 5 is the maximum number of digit and 2 is the maximum number of decimal digits.
  3. REAL: store (extremely close) approximate numeric value. It takes 4-byte storage space which is smaller than that used by decimal. Good to use when the exact value is not as important e.g. scientific calculation.

Built-in functions related to numeric data:
  • ABS(<field name>): return the absolute (i.e. positive) value of the selected field (not aggregate function)
  • AVG(<field name>): return the average value of the selected field
  • MAX(<field name>): return the maximum value of the selected field
  • MIN(<field name>): return the minimum value of the selected field
  • SUM(<field name>): return the total value of the selected field
  • COUNT(<field name>): return the total number of records of the selected field – data type not necessarily of numeric type
  • COUNT(*): return the total number of selected records. * means all.
  • These are aggregate functions that cannot be used in WHERE clause. 


  1. CHAR(n): character string of length n

Built-in functions related to string data:

  • LENGTH(<field name>): return the length of the selected string
    • Same as CHAR_LENGTH()
  • LOWER(<field name>): return the string in lower case
  • TRIM(<field name>): removing the leading and trailing spaces of the string
  • SPACE(n): return a string of space with length n.
  • SUBSTRING(<field name>, start, length): return the truncated string, starting from the specific position to the specified length
    • Same as SUBSTR() and MID()
  • UPPER(<field name>): return the string in upper case

BOOLEAN: store TRUE or FALSE value

DATE: store the date. 

Format used in exam is DD/MM/YYYY
To state a condition of between 1/5/2019 and 31/5/2019, we can write: BETWEEN {1/5/2019} AND {31/5/2019}

Date-related functions: 
Suppose the field DOB is created to store the date of birth.

  • DAY(DOB): return the day (numeric value)
  • MONTH(DOB): return the month (numeric value)
  • YEAR(DOB): return the year (numeric value)


If the field is empty, it is null
To specify this condition, we can use:

WHERE <field name> is NULL;

Put them in use:

Suppose a new table is used to store the student ID, date of birth, whether s/he is a current student and the exam mark.

  • CREATE TABLE Example
    (StdID CHAR(4), DOB DATE, Active BOOLEAN, Exam INTEGER);

  • INSERT INTO Example
    VALUES (‘0001’, ‘20/12/2005’, TRUE, 90);

Note the presence of ‘ ’ for the character and date data types. 
Character data type is selected for StdID because leading zeros can be retained.


Suppose you are provided with the date of birth(DOB) of some people. You want to find out those who are younger than 18 years old as at 1/9/2018. How would you state the condition?

DOB > {1/9/2000}

Friday, July 26, 2019

SQL Part 1

SQL Part 1

Learning Outcomes:
  • Use SQL to maintain a simple relational database, and manipulate its data or retrieve the required information in at most three tables.

  • Modify the structure of the tables
  • Add, delete and modify the data in the tables
  • Create different views

Relevant past paper:
DSE ICT Elec A(SP-2016): SP 1cd. PP 1ai,iii,ci,iii. 2012 2ei. 2013 3b. 2014 2ab. 2015 2cii, 3di. 2016 2biii, 4ei.
AS CA(2000-2013): 2004 1bc. 2006 6dii. 2007 10ef. 2009 8e. 2010 3, 8c. 2011 10d. 2012 9e. 2013 9d,eii

Table structure related: CREATE, DROP, ALTER


Create a database:

  • CREATE DATABASE <database name>;

Create a table:

  • CREATE TABLE <table name>
    (<field name 1> <data type 1>, <field name 2> <data type 2>, …);

Create a view AS:

  • CREATE VIEW <view name>
    AS SELECT <field name 1>, <field name 2> …

          FROM <table name>
          WHERE <conditions>;
  1. Advantage of a view: better access control - database cannot be changed accidentally, data security - hiding confidential information from certain users, convenient to apply information search

Create an index ON:

  • CREATE INDEX <index name>
    ON <table name> (<index

  1. How it works: works at WHERE clause. If index is created on the fields used in the WHERE clause, it can reduce the searching time. (most commonly used B-tree index, which will reduce the number of records to be examined - instead of examining all the records)
  2. What fields to choose: frequently used fields, preferably containing different values
  3. Advantage of an index: improves searching speed
  4. Disadvantages: overhead on storage(extra storage space), index is rebuilt during insert, delete, update of records - slow down the process


Delete a database:

  • DROP DATABASE <database name>;

Delete a table:

  • DROP TABLE <table name>;

Delete a view:

  • DROP VIEW <view name>;

Delete a column:

  • ALTER TABLE <table name>
    DROP COLUMN <field name>;


Change the data type of a field:
  • ALTER TABLE <table name>
    ALTER COLUMN <field name> <new data type>;

Add a new field:

  • ALTER TABLE <table name>
    ADD COLUMN <field name> <data type>;

Delete a field:

  • ALTER TABLE <table name>
    DROP COLUMN <field name>;

Table content related: INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE

INSERT INTO: Insert a record

  • INSERT INTO <table name>
    (<field name 1>, <field name 2> …)
    VALUES (<value 1>, <value 2> …);
  1. Only some fields are filled in.

  • INSERT INTO <table name>
    VALUES (<value 1>, <value 2> …);
  1. All fields are filled in. The field names are not necessary, but the values should follow the order of the field names.

DELETE FROM: delete records

  • DELETE FROM <table name>
    WHERE <conditions>;

UPDATE/SET: update the values of some fields

  • UPDATE <table name>
    SET <field name 1> = <new value 1>,
             <field name 2> = <new value 2>,
    WHERE <conditions>;


Note the difference between changing table structure and table content.



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